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“Hank the Hearing Dog” has been trained as the “ears” for his human, Emma Faye, who is deaf. Hank spent the first two years of his life at NEADs World Class Service Dogs training facility in Massachusetts. With over 40 years’ experience, NEADs Service Dogs for Hearing are specially trained canine assistants who help people who are deaf by alerting their partners to sounds around the home and in public such as door knocking, alarm clocks, fire and intruder alarms, traffic approaching, horns honking, the handler’s name being called out, tea kettles and just general sound awareness.

Service Dogs for Hearing are especially sensitive to noises, and Emma Faye can learn a lot about her environment just by watching Hank’s visual cues.

Hank is an International ADI approved Service Dog – which means he can go anywhere in the world with Emma Faye. He has been specifically trained to make long international flights. Hank the Hearing Dog can be seen daily hanging out at the Aid the Silent offices and always Emma Faye’s permanent sidekick wherever she goes. Hank is the ultimate professional when he is dressed for work with his Service vest and gentle leader and when Hank is working – he has to stay focused so the “no petting” policy is in place. When Hank takes off his work clothes, he becomes a pretty cool dog and that when lots of petting and loving can commence. Hank is also a TV star on PBS and recently won an Emmy for his role in the “Hank and Emma Faye” show.